Hacker Inside

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011
Ultra Hacker Tool Pack All In One
Big Ultra Hackers Pack 155-in-1 (AIO) | 57 Mb
Attention! This material is posted for educational purposes only!
Hacking in any form is punishable offense. This material may be used by you only for the study of vulnerabilities, and nothing more. I bring to your attention a book "Big Ultra Hackers Pack 155-in-1 AIO". He predstavalyaet a package of tools for hacking. This collection includes over 150 unique tools
Assembly includes:
AddrView gives you the ability to analyze HTML pages and extract most of the address URL, contained in them. AddrView retrieves the URL of images (img - tag), links to other files (a - a tag), CSS files, frames, Flash files and more. You can save the extracted addresses list to text files, HTML or XML files, or add these addresses to the hut.
This package contains / var / ftp area for anonymous FTP access.
The program enables the command line to run regular applications as a service (service).
However, to install any application as a service is completely free - just enough to take the recommendations of the Windows XP FAQ.
Any computer on the network can be easy to take and send a packet ARP_REPLAY. And thus make changes to the ARP table. Such an attack is called ARP Poisonig. Its result - redirect traffic to the desired host. Send the packet (s) can be programmatically by using a tool ARPInject.
Very nice wrapper *. exe and *. dll files (in some cases the degree of compression is 70%). In addition, the program is good (especially for programmers who are trying to protect their trousers) the complexity of extracting compressed file. I understand that he ASPack packed ASPACK'om same :-) Not bad, and that the program allows you to check before final packing job "prepackaged" exe-file, in violation of its normal operation, uncompress.
The new version has improved the speed of packing and adds an option "maximum compression". In unreported as the program runs 30 days. The interface is multilingual, including in Russian.
Remove BIOS password
Brootforce xs which
Cable Modem Sniffer
Traffic interceptor cable modem
Key update einfach per internet. abspeichern als SofCam.key und als textdatei moglich.
CGI Founder v1.043
Program for finding holes in CGI scripts.
Scanner CGI scripts
Viewing connections and listening ports on your computer
The program for the automated search every seriynkov and keygens on many relevant archives.
Generator credo
"Makes computing environments easier to manage and maintain. Every Restart destroys all changes and reboots the computer to its original state, right down to the last byte"
E-mail Cracker
Recover forgotten mailbox passwords that are stored in the e-mail client. The program emulates the server POP3, and the password is sent back to the user. It supports any email client POP3.
Defeyser engine ezDataBase
FTP Brute Forcer
Brootforce FTP
Brootforce FTP
~ Censored ~ Mail Bomber 2.3
Bomer soap
Pak exploits for phpBB Motor
Utility to help with queries from the series guglhak
It helps you find instructions in the file specify the range of IP-address.
Software package for a hacker: Port Scanner, Ping Flooder, Server Slower, Connections, File Cleaner, Get Passwords, IP Validator, Web Browser, Ip Information, HTML Stealer, Site IP Retrieval, Winsock Scanner, exe Corruptor, Nuker, Hit Increaser, File Generator, Anonymous e-mail, Whois, Binary
HackTheGame this game simulator life hacker. In which you take on the role of a hacker. Which xs for what and how to break the system. Join showdown with hack portals, in general, live a long and merry life. The main thing is not to get caught would be rubbish.
Hotmail Email Hacker / Hotmail HAcker Gold / Hotmail ScamPage / HotmailHack
In my still some sort of a heresy, not long running, hotmylo not so easy to hack
THC-Hydra - threaded cracker passwords to various services (FTP, POP3, IMAP, Telnet, HTTP Auth, NNTP, VNC, ICQ, PCNFS, CISCO, etc.) for UNIX platforms. With this tool you can attack several services at once.
Internet Explorer Cookies View
The program, which displays information about IP address. It allows you to display detailed information concerning the country, the owner of the domain, the range of available IP addresses, contact information and much more. This tool will be useful, for example, when you need to know the origin of the mail received from an unknown destination. For this is enough simply to copy the message headers from your email program IPNetInfo. It will extract itself from the text of all IP addresses and make the necessary search. The software uses several Whois servers, thereby maximizing the impact of the search for a specific network address. Among other things, it allows you to create HTML report, which stores all necessary information about the selected IP addresses.
password cracker, currently available for UNIX, DOS, Win32. Its main aim is to detect weak passwords UNIX. To the program you can buy a collection of word lists over 600 MB, with the help of which greatly simplifies the selection of passwords.
Key Changer
Commercial ($ 8.00) is free from trojans, designed to find and change the product key, Windows XP, such as piracy on the validity (if any). XP Key Changer after launch, finds the proposed changes to the key, and the name and organization registered in the system provided by Windows XP. Program XP Key Changer allows you to change XP Product Key and all this information, one click on all machines. Works with all service packs, including Windows XP SP3!
keylogger R)
Legion NetBios Scanner v2.1
Scanner NEtBios Resources
Mail Boomb_2.0 YAHOO
Bomber soaps Yahoo
MooreR Port Scanner
Port scanner on the remote machine
MSN Flooder 2.0
Fluder messenger msn
Scanner NEtBios Resources
NetBIOS Name Scanner
Scanner NEtBios Resources
Scanner NEtBios Resources
NFO Maker 1.0
This plugin is for viewing nfo and diz files, which are usually located in the downloaded archive.
Warning: as reported by the author, "Unfortunately there was an unfortunate mistake. Setting.reg File added to the archive with the plugin. Setting.reg file separately can be downloaded here http://issoft.narod.ru/downloads/setting.reg
"Nimda" is an Internet worm that spreads via the Internet as a file attachment in an e-mail, local area networks, as well as penetrating the unprotected IIS-servers. The original host file has the name of the worm README.EXE and is a program format Windows PE EXE, the size of about 57 kilobytes, and is written in Microsoft C + +.
Packer files
On-Off MSN
What is vklyuchalka vyklyuchalka MSN
PCAnywhere PassView Image of passwords with asterisks
Php Nuke Hacker v11.0
Burglar engine php nuke
phpBB Annihilator / phpbb attack / phpbb bruteforcer / PhpBB pass extractor / phpBB_DoS / phpbb_spammer / phpBBAttacker / phpBBcracker
A set of tools for hacking, spam, flood, ddos, Brutus phpBB
Scanner bugs in scripts nxn
Ping & Nukes
pinger \ nyuker
Listener XP
The program allows to monitor network ports on your system, generating a pop-up window when trying to access the port. The program writes a log file of IP-addresses of connectable clients and sends you a request for permission to use it. You can enter the port numbers of their choice, or the program will prompt you to the default list. The program runs from the system tray.
This program for the selection of network paroley.Dostatochno quickly picks up a password on the specified drive on the network.
PROCEXP displays information about the processes of loading dynamic libraries and their svoystvah.Eto makes PROCEXP m schnym tool for understanding the internal behavior of applications as trace information leakage marker and DLL, version mismatch. And even the indirect determination of viruses.
Scan, ping, proxy switches
rainbowcrack-1.2-src win-lin
The program allows you to create a predsgenerirovannyh LanManager hashes, with which you could almost instantly to crack almost any alphanumeric password.
Remote Shut Down
Vykyuchenie remote machine
Correction exe and dll files. Much can change in them. With this program you can easily Russify program.
Network port scanner
Sasser virus looks like the exhausted millions of Internet users worldwide in summer 2003 lovesan (blaster). Already, he has several of its modifications, which experts say is even more harmful than the original. The same way according to experts, this virus does not pose a threat to your hard drive, but only prevents the use of them fully functional. Its distinctive features - a message appears on trying to connect to the ip address of another computer and the error message LSA Shell (Export version) and follows it to restart the computer from a fatal error process lsass.exe
Sends a message in HTML format and in any encoding without mail client. Checks completion of mandatory fields. Checks E-Mail on the right (syntax). Converts special characters into HTML format. Allows you to specify multiple addresses to choose from. Checks sent and reports errors. Ability to send a copy to the sender. Very easy to configure. Also fits easily into any design. Gives ample opportunity to hide the real address. If desired, sends information about the browser and the IP address
Server 2003 Keygen
keygen for WINDOWS 2003 server
Server Killer
Ubiytsa servers R)
Opening a password for zvezdochkmi
The program looks in the cache of Google potential vulnerabilities, errors, configuration problems on Web sites. The new version of the new version you can use FSDB / GHDB and generate 10 results for each signature. Posted as a large number of new signatures - open webcams, credit card numbers, etc.
WinNuke back! Introducing exploit completely kills or WinNT/2K/XP. NET machine with Network Share Provider (works on 139 and / or 445 port). Uses a malformed SMB (Server Message Block) packet is used anonymously, no account do not need to know - for only the IP address and computer name.
SQLScan v1.0
Utility guessing the password to Microsoft SQL server. Lets you scan a range of IP addresses. When backwater password creates an NT account with a blank password on a vulnerable system.
Stealth - HTTP Scanner v1.0 build 23
powerful tool for auditing security Web server, which looks at more than 19.000 vulnerabilities.
Port scanner with a bunch of utilities. Also there is a useful utility that pulls out from companies (windows) all of the available Old using zero session.
a small freeware program, which includes simple to configure DHCP, TFTP, SNTP and Syslog servers as well as TFTP client
This is a utility computer program designed to identify routes data networks TCP / IP.
UDP packet sender. Tool flood UDP packets to specified IP and port. Used to test the stability of network services to a UDP flood. Packages can be specified by the user or be completely random.
Ultra Dos
Program for DDOS remote machine
WebCracker 4.0
Cute program to guess passwords for sites.
Utilita, pozvolyayuschaya polychit infopmatsiyu o zapegictpipovannom domene (vladelets and pegictpatsionnye dannye). Avtomatichecki cvyazyvaetcya co cppavochnym cepvepom Whois, otkyda and polychaet infopmatsiyu. Pezyltaty mogyt be coxpaneny in tekctovye fayly or RESIDENCE HTML-report
Hiding windows to tray and task bar and
Download from Hotfile:
from Uploading:
from Fileserve:
from Filesonic:
Hack Facebook Mengan Metode Phishing
Hacking Facebook dengan metode phishing adalah salah satu metode yang paling disukai digunakan untuk hacking password facebook. Dan cara-cara menggunakannya juga sangat mudah.
1. Download file hackingnya disini.
2. File yang anda download tadi meliputi
* Index.html
* write.php
* passes.txt

Anda telah mendapat username dan password korban.
1. Download file hackingnya disini.
2. File yang anda download tadi meliputi
* Index.html
* write.php
* passes.txt
3. Upload ke dua file yang anda download tadi ke webhosting gratisan seperti http://www.yourfreehosting.net/ atau http://www.t35.com atau webhosting apapun yang anda sukai.
4. Sekarang, kirimkan link upload phiser yang anda buat tadi (link index.html) kepada korban anda dan membuatnya login ke account Facebook-nya menggunakan phisher yang anda kirim.
5. Setelah korban login ke account Facebook-nya menggunakan phisher, secara otomatis semua id username dan password login yang telah korban gunakan akan disimpan dalam file "passes.txt" . File ini dibuat dalam kontrol panel web host seperti pada gambar berikut.

6. (Terakhir), buka "passes.txt" untuk mendapatkan hacked id username dan password seperti yang ditunjukkan digambar dibawah ini.

Anda telah mendapat username dan password korban.
Sebenarnya dengan cara ini saya tidak terlalu suka karena untuk membuat korban login ke phising yang telah anda buat sangatlah sulit.
Aku akan mencakup 4 metode di sini:
1. Facebook Phishing
2. Keylogging
3. Social engineering
4. Hack alamat email utama
Facebook phishing:
Aku telah mengambil metode ini pertama karena saya pikir ini adalah metode yang paling populer / cara hacking facebook. Saya mempelajari berbagai survei facebook diambil di web tentang hacking facebook. Hasil survei ini menunjukkan "Phishing" sebagai metode yang paling digunakan untuk hack facebook dan untuk dicatat ... "Phishing adalah metode favorit para hacker facebook". Jadi, teman-teman .. waspadalah terhadap Phishing facebook. Facebook staf bekerja keras untuk menghindari phisher Facebook. Phishing tidak hanya memungkinkan Anda untuk hack Facebook tetapi juga hampir semua account email. Anda harus hanya mendapatkan trik yang digunakan untuk membuat phisher, yang saya pikir sangat mudah. Saya belajar tanpa kesulitan apapun. Tapi, ingat, ini hanya untuk tujuan pendidikan. Saya tidak akan memperpanjang topik ini di sini karena saya telah menambahkan lebih lanjut tentang Phishing di artikel saya Cara hack password facebook
Ini adalah favorit kedua saya, sebagai satu-satunya hal yang harus Anda lakukan adalah remote menginstal aplikasi keylogger (jika Anda tidak punya akses fisik ke komputer korban). Keylogging menjadi lebih mudah jika Anda memiliki akses fisik ke komputer korban sebagai hal yang hanya Anda lakukan adalah menginstal keylogger dan langsung ke tujuan Anda sehingga akan mengirim semua keystrokes dicatat ke tujuan menunjuk. Apa yang dilakukan adalah keylogger itu mencatat keystrokes ke file log dan kemudian Anda bisa menggunakan log untuk mendapatkan password yang diperlukan Facebook dan dengan demikian dapat hack facebook password. Saya telah diposting informasi rinci keyloggers atas dalam perdagangan untuk informasi lebih lanjut lihat saya kata sandi software hacker bagian
3. Social engineering:
Ini terdengar menjadi sangat tidak bekerja di awal. Bahkan aku telah mengabaikan cara ini. Tapi, sekali, saya pikir menggunakan itu terhadap teman saya di Facebook dan saya mendapat passwordnya Facebook sangat mudah dengan metode ini. Saya rasa banyak dari Anda mungkin akan mengetahui bagaimana apa ini rekayasa sosial, Untuk pemula, social engineering adalah metode mengambil password atau menjawab pertanyaan keamanan hanya menjadi quering dengan korban. Anda harus sangat berhati-hati saat menggunakan ini sebagai korban tidak harus menyadari tujuan Anda. Hanya bertanya hati-hati menggunakan logika Anda
Alamat email 4.Primary hack
Jika hacker Facebook, dengan beberapa cara, hacks gmail Anda atau account yahoo yang Anda gunakan sebagai alamat email utama, maka ini hacker dapat dengan mudah hack Facebook password Facebook menggunakan "Lupa password" trik. Dia hanya akan meminta Facebook untuk mengirim email ulang ke alamat sandi-yang email utama Anda sudah hacked. Dengan demikian, Anda sandi account Facebook akan diatur ulang dan akan meng-hack!
Jadi, selalu ingat untuk melindungi alamat email utama Anda Facebook dan mencoba untuk menyimpan mail id yang tidak diketahui atau tidak berguna sebagai alamat email utama Anda Sejauh ini, saya menemukan metode hacking Facebook ini sebagai yang terbaik dan cara kerja untuk hack password akun facebook. Saya tidak pernah mendorong Facebook hacking atau account email, saya hanya ingin membuat Anda menyadari tentang bahaya Facebook online. Aku akan menghargai upaya Anda jika Anda menyebutkan metode Facebook lainnya hacking.
1. Facebook Phishing
2. Keylogging
3. Social engineering
4. Hack alamat email utama
Facebook phishing:
Aku telah mengambil metode ini pertama karena saya pikir ini adalah metode yang paling populer / cara hacking facebook. Saya mempelajari berbagai survei facebook diambil di web tentang hacking facebook. Hasil survei ini menunjukkan "Phishing" sebagai metode yang paling digunakan untuk hack facebook dan untuk dicatat ... "Phishing adalah metode favorit para hacker facebook". Jadi, teman-teman .. waspadalah terhadap Phishing facebook. Facebook staf bekerja keras untuk menghindari phisher Facebook. Phishing tidak hanya memungkinkan Anda untuk hack Facebook tetapi juga hampir semua account email. Anda harus hanya mendapatkan trik yang digunakan untuk membuat phisher, yang saya pikir sangat mudah. Saya belajar tanpa kesulitan apapun. Tapi, ingat, ini hanya untuk tujuan pendidikan. Saya tidak akan memperpanjang topik ini di sini karena saya telah menambahkan lebih lanjut tentang Phishing di artikel saya Cara hack password facebook

Ini adalah favorit kedua saya, sebagai satu-satunya hal yang harus Anda lakukan adalah remote menginstal aplikasi keylogger (jika Anda tidak punya akses fisik ke komputer korban). Keylogging menjadi lebih mudah jika Anda memiliki akses fisik ke komputer korban sebagai hal yang hanya Anda lakukan adalah menginstal keylogger dan langsung ke tujuan Anda sehingga akan mengirim semua keystrokes dicatat ke tujuan menunjuk. Apa yang dilakukan adalah keylogger itu mencatat keystrokes ke file log dan kemudian Anda bisa menggunakan log untuk mendapatkan password yang diperlukan Facebook dan dengan demikian dapat hack facebook password. Saya telah diposting informasi rinci keyloggers atas dalam perdagangan untuk informasi lebih lanjut lihat saya kata sandi software hacker bagian
3. Social engineering:
Ini terdengar menjadi sangat tidak bekerja di awal. Bahkan aku telah mengabaikan cara ini. Tapi, sekali, saya pikir menggunakan itu terhadap teman saya di Facebook dan saya mendapat passwordnya Facebook sangat mudah dengan metode ini. Saya rasa banyak dari Anda mungkin akan mengetahui bagaimana apa ini rekayasa sosial, Untuk pemula, social engineering adalah metode mengambil password atau menjawab pertanyaan keamanan hanya menjadi quering dengan korban. Anda harus sangat berhati-hati saat menggunakan ini sebagai korban tidak harus menyadari tujuan Anda. Hanya bertanya hati-hati menggunakan logika Anda
Alamat email 4.Primary hack
Jika hacker Facebook, dengan beberapa cara, hacks gmail Anda atau account yahoo yang Anda gunakan sebagai alamat email utama, maka ini hacker dapat dengan mudah hack Facebook password Facebook menggunakan "Lupa password" trik. Dia hanya akan meminta Facebook untuk mengirim email ulang ke alamat sandi-yang email utama Anda sudah hacked. Dengan demikian, Anda sandi account Facebook akan diatur ulang dan akan meng-hack!
Jadi, selalu ingat untuk melindungi alamat email utama Anda Facebook dan mencoba untuk menyimpan mail id yang tidak diketahui atau tidak berguna sebagai alamat email utama Anda
Hack Facebook With Chinaman Facebook Hacker 2.4
chinaman facebook hacker 2.4 – Free Download
The program Chinaman Facebook Hacker is to be used for educational purposes only. We do not accept any responsibility for any kind of problems which you cause in careless usage, when hacking a facebook account.
Chinaman Facebook Hacker can be downloaded now by clicking Here. The latest version which has been worked on tirelessly has finaley been completed and is ready for use by our valued readers . Lots of bugs have been fixed and extra properties were also added to this superb version of the Chinaman Hacking series. As Chinaman Group strongly recommend you to update you old Chinaman 2.3 software to the new faster Chinaman v2.4 .
Download Chinaman Facebook Hacker 2.4
How to use Chinaman Facebook Hacker 2.4Its easy, just enter the email ID of the person you want to hack into the ” enter id to hack” bar and click hack
it can take anywhere from 2-5 hours depending on the length of password retrieved, the password will be displayed right in front of “password =”
Hacking Facebook With Firesheep
When logging into a website like facebook, you usually start by entering your username and password. The website then checks to see if an account exists with matching information, and if so, replies back with a “cookie” which is used by your browser for all subsequent page requests.Most websites protect your password by encrypting the initial login stage, but its surprisingly un-common for websites to encrypt everything after login. This leaves the cookie (and the users account) vulnerable to exploitation via HTTP session hijacking, sometimes reffered to as “sidejacking”, this when a hacker gets access to a user’s session cookie, allowing them full access to do anything that the original user can do when logged on to that website. On an open wireless network, cookies are sent un-encripted through the air, making these attacks extremely too easy.
This is a widely known problem that has been talked about many times, yet very popular websites like Facebook still fail to protect their users sensitive and private information. The only 100% effective fix to stop this Hack, is full end to end encryption, also known on the web as HTTPS or SSL. Facebook is constantly rolling out new “privacy” features in an endless attempt to silence the screams of unhappy users who are having their accounts hijacked daily, its utterly pointless when someone can just take over an account so easily with a Firesheep attack.
Download – Firesheep
and follow the guide below.After installing the extension you will now see a new sidebar. Now connect to any open wifi network and click the “Start Capturing” button. Then wait a few secs.
FireSheep Download
Download Firesheep
Firesheep is free, open source software, and is available to download now for Mac OS X, and Windows. Linux will be supported very soon.
Enjoy, and please use this program sensibly
Download FireSheep
How To Hack Facebook
1: phishing:- Phishing or fake page hacking is the most widely used hacking trick for any type of accounts of website. It can also be implemented as in this case too. Read my previous post on phishing to learn it and download facebook phishing page from below. That post was specially for Gmail. The same process will be applied in the case of faceook too. you only need to save facebook login page to your system and make changes to form element of action as per in my that post.
you can also use Tabnapping . This is also a type of phishing but it will make it easier to send your fake page to the victim. Download Tabnapping script from this link: TabNapping Script . Read more about Tabnapping here
IMPORTANT: sending fake page in case of simple case is not so easy. I am suggesting you an effective way of doing that. You get facebook notification emails. Use the format of that email address but replacing the URL with your fake URL ;)
Download facebook phishing page here:
2: Keylogger:- Keylogger is another useful tool to hack someone's facebook account. If you do not know about keyloggers read here . download some keyloggers from this link. Kelogger download . Now it's up to you.. how you are using this tool. If you have physical access to victims system, you can manually install this tool and it will effectively work.
3: Firesheep:- If your victim uses unsecure wireless network then you can hack him easily by using mozilla firefox and a simple firefox plugin. Firesheep. read this post to know about firesheep and dowload it from that post. Firesheep
use this tool to hack.
4: Hack facebook's primary email address:- Hacking someone's email account also need above described methods (phishing, keylogger, firesheep) but you can also hack it by using forgot password and then by guessing his security question. Many times people use simple security questions.
5: facebook's can't access account option:- there is an recovery option in facebook account. You can mention that your primary email address is also hacked. Then they will ask you many questions regarding that account. as some name of friends, account holder's some personal information etc. If you know about victim well, you can be able to answer all those question. then facebook will ask you for new email address for password recovery. Give any email address which you can access.
These are some ways of hacking facebook account. There may be more but this time only these are in my mind. :P
if i will remember any other method i will update this post..
you can also use Tabnapping . This is also a type of phishing but it will make it easier to send your fake page to the victim. Download Tabnapping script from this link: TabNapping Script . Read more about Tabnapping here
IMPORTANT: sending fake page in case of simple case is not so easy. I am suggesting you an effective way of doing that. You get facebook notification emails. Use the format of that email address but replacing the URL with your fake URL ;)
Download facebook phishing page here:
2: Keylogger:- Keylogger is another useful tool to hack someone's facebook account. If you do not know about keyloggers read here . download some keyloggers from this link. Kelogger download . Now it's up to you.. how you are using this tool. If you have physical access to victims system, you can manually install this tool and it will effectively work.
3: Firesheep:- If your victim uses unsecure wireless network then you can hack him easily by using mozilla firefox and a simple firefox plugin. Firesheep. read this post to know about firesheep and dowload it from that post. Firesheep
use this tool to hack.
4: Hack facebook's primary email address:- Hacking someone's email account also need above described methods (phishing, keylogger, firesheep) but you can also hack it by using forgot password and then by guessing his security question. Many times people use simple security questions.
5: facebook's can't access account option:- there is an recovery option in facebook account. You can mention that your primary email address is also hacked. Then they will ask you many questions regarding that account. as some name of friends, account holder's some personal information etc. If you know about victim well, you can be able to answer all those question. then facebook will ask you for new email address for password recovery. Give any email address which you can access.
These are some ways of hacking facebook account. There may be more but this time only these are in my mind. :P
if i will remember any other method i will update this post..
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